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Volo Fridays!

Fun with friends. Adventures. Service Learning

Get outside with friends. Learn from experiences rich with inspiration, ethics, and action. 

Every Friday includes exploring, music, and games.  

9:00 AM – 1:30 PM

Beginning August 30

Get together with friends of all ages.

The Volo Friday group includes ages of about 7 to 15. Everybody counts and we all spend time together! Additionally, to foster personalized experiences, we will spend some time in smaller groups each Friday – groups Sunblast and Redline.  

Group Sunblast: Generally Ages 7-10

The group for creative explorers and avid young learners. We focus on play – both free and guided, adventures, music, art, and exploring, with some creative writing, fun math, and pitching in to help with projects. This group meets for an hour or two separately with focused, incredible facilitators most Fridays.  

Group Redline: Generally Ages 11-15

This is a dream team of young people who are creative, curious and ready to learn. We plan and lead projects and focus on relatively advanced learning activities. Arthur Morris will lead this older group separately for about two hours most Fridays. 

Read to the bottom of “Find Out More” to see example projects, topics, and electives.

Client Testimonials

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“A testimonial from a client who benefited from your product or service. Testimonials can be a highly effective way of establishing credibility and increasing your company's reputation.”
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Outdoor Adventures

See, create, discover…

Music and Art

Sing, stomp, clap, whistle, paint, draw…

Service Learning

Plant, protect, dig, change, lead, try…

Learning Fun

Join our community and experience the best of learning. 

Location, Location, Location

Drop Off and Pick Up in Park City at Volo’s Home Base – 4554 N Forestdale Dr, Unit 26, Park City, UT 84098

Usually we will head out to a destination within a few minutes of park city.

A few of Volo's learning locations

Experience Learning in the Best Ways

Join us for volo fridays

More specifically, lifeready learning means cultivating not just thinking about the topic, but thinking with the topic - understanding as applying, as noticing, and as caring.
— David Perkins