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2025 - 2026 Calendar

Block Plan

These are thematic blocks providing focus for Volo’s integrated learning plans. 

  • Building Communities (3 weeks): Exploring the roles and interdependence within human and natural communities.
  • Mathematical Patterns in Nature (3 weeks): Analyzing patterns in nature and connecting them to mathematical concepts.
  • The Changing Earth (4 weeks): Investigating geological changes through hands-on experimentation and observation.
  • Projects: Organizing and implementing meaningful projects such as tree planting and seeding (initial planning occurs in previous blocks)
  • Wish, Wonder, and Surprise (12 days): Engaging in creative expression and cultural exploration.
  • The Art and Science of Water (3 weeks): Understanding water’s importance in natural systems through inquiry and creative activities.
  • Telling Our Stories (4 weeks): Developing narrative skills and exploring storytelling traditions.
  • Local Histories and Cultures (4 weeks): Investigating regional heritage through immersive and collaborative projects.
  • Cycles of Life (3 weeks): Observing and documenting biological cycles across different species.
  • Projects: Organizing and implementing meaningful projects such as stream habitat restoration, building, or cleanup. (Initial planning occurs in previous blocks.)
  • Building Bridges (2 weeks): Exploring the principles of engineering through design and experimentation.
  • Wrap Up: Final reflections, conclusion.

*Note: Block plans are subject to change to respond to needs and opportunities that arise.